How to use postman to test IdentityServer (JWT token)

Today I’ve got a taks to test web .net core application that uses the IdentityServer as an authorization Web core extention.

I’ve downloaded IdentityServer 4 samples

git clone

Then I’ve used Postman (v5.2.0) to create GET request to the url from the quick start 1_ClientCredentials


In the postman params authorization tab I’ve selected OAuth 2.0 entry and have requested for a new token. Token name can have any value

Auth URL I’ve set to the http://localhost:5000/connect/authorize (the IdentityServer sample resource service)

Access token URL I’ve set to the http://localhost:5000/connect/token

Client ID: client (because of IdentityServer sample hardcoded client id)

Client secret: secret

Scope: api1

Grant type: Client credentials

When a token is requested it is shown in the list on the left window part. Press the Use token button and then you are ready to send a Get request to the http://localhost:5001/identity